Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS)


TROES’ configurable-off-the-shelf energy storage solution design combines the flexibility of customizable options with the convenience and reliability of pre-engineered systems. This approach allows clients to tailor the energy storage system to their specific needs while benefiting from reduced lead times, streamlined installation processes, and lower costs compared to fully custom-built solutions.


Adaptable, Modular Energy Storage Systems: Product Information

Learn more about the energy storage systems TROES offers why we are different from the competition.


Flexible Energy Storage Systems: Complete Solution Provider

Learn more about the unique applications energy storage systems can serve to maximize revenue.

BESS Specifications


  • Three Layers of Operation Controls
  • Configurable Off-the-shelf Design
  • Safe LFP Technology
  • Cloud-based Operations
  • AI and IoT-Powered Innovation

Energy Potential

  • 80kWh – 10MWh+

Battery Lifespan

  • 10 years+


  • Peak Shaving
  • Renewable Integration
  • Backup Power
  • Microgrid Solutions
  • EV Charging Support
  • Instantenous Load Response
  • And more

Contact TROES

Reach out to TROES for inquiries, partnerships, and support with our innovative energy storage solutions.