Exploring BC Hydro’s Energy Storage Incentive Program with TROES    

BC Hydro Webinar with Troes on Teams

Discover how TROES helps BC businesses meet standards and benefit from BC Hydro’s Energy Storage Incentive for cost savings and efficiency.

As British Columbia continues to advance toward its clean energy goals, BC Hydro’s Energy Storage Incentive (ESI) program is a pivotal opportunity for businesses seeking to enhance their energy efficiency and sustainability. The program aims to promote the use of energy storage systems and helps to finance the installation of battery systems behind the meter for companies. By utilizing these incentives, businesses can curb their energy demand and develop a more stable, adaptive power grid in BC. 

TROES recently hosted a webinar with Paul Seo, Sr. Program Manager at BC Hydro, who provided insights into the Energy Storage Incentive (ESI) program. As British Columbia advances toward its clean energy goals, Paul explained how the ESI program offers upfront incentives for businesses to shift energy use away from peak periods, making it a pivotal opportunity for those looking to improve both energy efficiency and sustainability. 

What is the BC Hydro Energy Storage incentive program

The BC Hydro ESI program aims to promote the use of energy storage systems and help finance the installation of battery systems behind the meter for companies. These systems must be controlled by BC Hydro’s Distributed Energy Resource Management System (DERMS) and are eligible for customers on general service or irrigation rates.  Here are some of the benefits that customers are eligible to receive: 

The incentive for businesses participating in the ESI program is tied to their nominated energy capacity, with funding covering up to 80% of the total project costs.  This means businesses can significantly lessen the payback periods of their energy storage investments payback periods to make it a more appealing financial solution.  

One of the key benefits is the flexibility the program offers. BC Hydro typically calls for emergency response fewer than 20 times per year, meaning businesses can use their battery storage as they see fit most of the time. The ESI program also helps businesses reduce peak demand and lower their energy costs.  

For businesses currently relying on diesel generators, the ESI program is a more sustainable alternative. Hence, replacing or augmenting diesel generators with advanced battery storage solutions reduces carbon emissions and helps meet sustainability goals.  

Additionally, Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) provide superior energy quality compared to diesel generators. 

For more details on the program’s selection criteria, visit the BC Hydro-Energy Storage Incentive

Get Started with TROES and BC Hydro’s Energy Storage Incentive 

For BC-based businesses interested in exploring energy storage opportunities, partnering with TROES is the first step toward optimizing energy usage and benefiting from BC Hydro’s Energy Storage Incentive program. TROES simplifies the process by offering a complete suite of services, including energy savings simulations, system design, installation, and ongoing support. 

Contact us today to learn more about how TROES can help your business in BC reduce costs, increase energy efficiency, and contribute to a cleaner, greener future for British Columbia. 

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